Turning books into Bread

Parson's Porch & Book Publishing is a book publishing company with a double focus.  We focus on the needs of creative writers who need a professional publisher to turn their words into books, & we also focus on the needs of others by turning their books into bread by sharing our profits with those who are homeless and displaced by meeting their basic needs of food, clothing, shelter and safety.

Sermons Matter

Preparing sermons for over 35 years, David Russell Tullock understands and respects the work of the preacher. To recognize preachers who take their task of sermon preparation seriously and to validate the importance of extending the reach of the sermon beyond a one-time delivery, we persistently invite preachers to publish their sermons with us.

We publish all genres, but we are especially interested in publishing sermons. It is our desire to encourage preachers to extend their audience by publishing them in a book for others to read beyond your local congregation.

Here are some simple things you need to know to accept this invitation: 

1. There is no cost for our services. 

2. Your book will be made available in print and online in e-versions.

3. Books are distributed by Ingram Content and can purchased through Amazon and other online avenues such as Kindle. 

4. The author can purchase copies of their own book at a 40% discount of the retail price. 

5. The author receives a 15% royalties from sales from Amazon and other online bookstore outlets. 

6. If at any time you wish to discontinue our publishing relationship, simple notify us, and we will release you from any commitment to further publish your book. 

All we need from you is a complete manuscript.  Once we have your manuscript, we will do the rest.  After we edit and format the book, we will provide you with an online galley for you to approve for publication. We are confident you will be pleased with our product and service.  It’s that easy.  For more information about our company, go to www.parsonsporch.com. 

You will note that the profits from our publishing are shared with people who live in poverty because of bad luck and/or poor choices.  Dr. Tullock preaches a sermon each day at the Community Kitchen and is available for pastoral care and spiritual direction for the people there. There is an estimated 430 homeless people in our city, most of whom eat at least once at the kitchen each week.



A Traditonal Publisher of Quality Books by Creative Authors using a Collaborative Approach.

Parson's Porch & Company |121 Holly Trail, NW | Cleveland, Tennessee 37311 | 423-310-8815 | dtullock@parsonsporch.com