Parson's Porch & Companies

Turning Books into Bread

Parson's Porch & Book Publishing is a book publishing company with a double focus.  We focus on the needs of creative writers who need a professional publisher to turn their words into books, & we also focus on the needs of others by turning their books into bread by sharing our profits with those who are homeless and displaced by meeting their basic needs of food, clothing, shelter and safety.

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. What have you published?

We publish all genres.  Novels, poetry, academic works, sermons, and theological works are among our most popular.

2. How many books do you publish per year?

We project publishing 60 books each year.  We have almost 500 books on the market.  In 2018, we project an additional 60 titles, making it well over 500 titles on the market. 

3. When were you established?

Parson's Porch & Company was organized in 2004 to help the poor.  The publishing division was added in 2009.  Our first book was published in January 2010.

4. How many employees do you have?

The Company has 10 people with whom we contract to do our publishing. 

5. Do you have an editorial team?

Yes.  Our executive editors serve as our editorial committee.  While each executive editor is autonomous, they depend on each other for critical decisions.

6. Where do your submissions come from?

90% of our manuscripts are solicited from the entities our imprints serve.  We do accept unsolicited manuscripts.

7. What are your criteria for accepting mss?

Each manuscript accepted for publication must be well-written, error-free and written by a reputable author in one's field. 

8. If so, how much autonomy in these decisions?

Each Executive Editor has complete autonomy in choosing appropriate manuscripts for their assigned imprint.  However, the Executive director will inform author of rejection of manuscripts.  The Executive Director will make suggestions to the author to make the manuscript acceptable.  Rejections are exceptional.  We make every effort to publish serious mauscripts for serious authors.

9. How many submissions do you get?

We receive 4 or 5 submissions per month.  When a manuscript is accepted we commit to a 6 month turnaround time.

10. After sending a proposal, when should I expect to receive an answer?

Often authors have a significant waiting period before approval is considered. At Parson’s Porch Books, authors will receive approval/rejection within 2 - 3 weeks. Our answer period is significantly less than our competitors.

11. Can I submit to more than one publisher at a time?

Some publishers do not accept "simultaneous submissions" but we actually encourage them. Getting a book published is hard work, and each publisher can only accept a limited quantity per year. We will exceed your expectations of quality and graceful prices.

12. Why does the publisher control the book title and cover appearance?

Publishing a book is an expensive affair, and the title and cover are a publisher’s primary tools for selling a book. Because we are carrying the financial risk for the project, we retain control of the cover and title, although we encourage authors to offer ideas.

How does Parson's Porch & Company market books?

Because we serve specific book reading audiences, our marketing is tightly focused on those groups. Parson’s Porch Books understands that the marketing of a book is most effective when the author is motivated and involved. Below are some of the tools and processes used to market our books:

1. E - Catalogs

Parson’s Press produces and e-mails a collection of catalogs throughout the year (usually around 4). The key audiences are clergy, informed laity, and the religious academy. The contents of each catalog will vary depending upon the theme of that mailing.

2. Web Site

All new titles are listed in the bookstore of the Parson’s Press web site. This site has become one of our most effective means for selling books. We also offer many titles as ebooks through our site. Many of our titles are also available at, although the Parson’s Porch Book site usually has better prices.

3. Events

Parson’s Press strives to be present at many gatherings of ministers, laity and academics across each year. Our bookstores and displays have become a valuable means for marketing and selling books.

4. Author Events

Authors who have opportunities to lead workshops, conferences, or other sorts of speaking engagements find these settings to be significant marketing events.

5. Advertising

While it is unusual to see individual books promoted through ads, Parson’s Press Books has a comprehensive advertising strategy to reach our reader audience.

6. Media Sheets

A media sheet will be prepared and mailed to key periodical and other news or organizational outlets. The sheets offer information about the book and its author(s), and provides information on how a free review copy may be obtained. A similar sheet is provided to authors, with the review copy information replaced with ordering information. Authors find these flyers handy in promoting their book among their contacts. Our media sheets are available online as a .pdf file. The author is responsible for downloading and printing their own sheets.

7. Reviews

In an attempt to get reviews published, media sheets or copies of a book will be sent to the appropriate media outlets, both nationally and regionally. It is especially important that authors supply contact names and phone numbers of newspapers (both secular and Christian), radio stations, television stations and local magazines to the marketing department, including areas where the author is well known.

8. Bookstores

While any bookstore may order our books, we do not primarily function as a "trade" book publisher. Selling direct-to-customer is our main focus. Our books (like most mid-sized nonfiction publishers) are not automatically stocked in bookstores. We do make special efforts to offer availability for an author’s book in their local bookstores, and for other stores as needed for signings.


A Traditional Publisher of Quality Books by Creative Authors using a Collaborative Approach.

Parson's Porch & Company |121 Holly Trail, NW | Cleveland, Tennessee 37311 | 423-310-8815 |