Help, I'm a Deacon! | Joe McKeever
Help, I'm a Deacon! | Joe McKeever
Think of this as a conversation on the matter of deacons in the Lord's churches.
I'm a pastor. For 42 years I served six Southern Baptist churches and followed that with 5 years as the director of missions for our denomination's 130 churches and missions throughout greater New Orleans.
I love deacons. My oldest son is one of the finest deacons I know. I'm eternally indebted to the Lord for surrounding me with godly and mature deacon friends who have enriched my life and enabled my ministry. My pastorates have been immeasurably strengthened by solid deacons who loved Jesus and wanted nothing more than to serve Him.
But I did not emerge unscathed from serving alongside deacons.
I bear scars from confrontations with a few deacons over the years. In one church, a small group saw themselves as the board of directors of a country-club type church and the pastor as their hired executive. That they were powerful men used to getting their way made this a train-wreck waiting to happen.
In another church, a small group of deacons was chronically unhappy with the pastor because he insisted on being the leader of the church. Wasn't the pastor their servant? Wasn't he supposed to take orders from them? Didn't the Bible say so?
For over four decades Joe McKeever has been writing for Christian publications. A Southern Baptist pastor of six churches for 42 years, Joe then served 5 years as director of missions for the SBC churches of Metro New Orleans. These days, in his "retirement" ministry, he stays on the go preaching for churches and conferences, leading deacons and prayer retreats, and such. Joe is the father of three adult children and grandfather of eight. He lives in Metro New Orleans.