Hopeful Compositions | Steve Elderbrock
Hopeful Compositions | Steve Elderbrock
Parson’s Porch Books is delighted to present to you this series called Sermons Matter.
We believe that many of the best writers are pastors who take the role of preacher seriously. Week in, and week out, they exegete scripture, research material, write and deliver sermons in the context of the life of their particular congregation in their given community.
We further believe that sermons are extensions of Holy Scripture which need to be published beyond the manuscripts which are written for delivery each Sunday. Books serve as a vehicle for the sermon to continue to proclaim the Good News of the Morning to a broader audience.
We celebrate the wonderful occasion of the preaching event in Christian worship when the Pastor speaks, the People listen and the Work of the Church proceeds.
Take, Read, and Heed.
David Russell Tullock, M.Div., D.Min., Publisher, Parson’s Porch Books
Steve Elderbrock serves as Pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Burnsville, North Carolina. He has previously served Presbyterian churches in LeRoy, Minnesota and Ottawa, Ohio. Steve grew up in Findlay, Ohio, and in the First Presbyterian Church there, where he was baptized, confirmed, and eventually ordained. Steve earned degrees from Denison University in Cinema and Philosophy, Bowling Green State University with a Master of Arts in American History, and Candler School of Theology at Emory University with a Master of Divinity. In his spare time he serves as a Guardian ad Litem in the juvenile court system and attempts to keep his cat, Fred, happy.