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The Graphic Gospel | Jay Richard Akkerman | Academy of Preachers Books

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The Graphic Gospel | Jay Richard Akkerman | Academy of Preachers Books

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The purpose of the study was to determine which factors related to congregational receptivity toward the use of visual media in preaching by exploring factors including generational group, gender, dogmatism, postmodernism, and postliteracy. The study consisted of a researcher-designed, cross-sectional quantitative survey of attitudes toward the use of visual media in preaching. The survey was completed by 113 respondents age fourteen or older at New Hope Community Church of the Nazarene in Tempe, Arizona. The research findings contradicted the popularly held notion tying age to receptivity toward visual media, and underscored the importance of pastoral integrity in a visual hermeneutic.



The Academy of Preachers (AoP) is a national, non-profit, trans-denominational organization with a mission to “identify, network, support, and inspire young people in their call to gospel preaching.” It was launched in 2009 by Dwight A. Moody with a generous grant from the Lilly Endowment of Indianapolis, Indiana. Dr. Moody continues to serve as president of the AoP. The AoP is undergirded by the conviction that gospel preaching is socially significant vocation worthy of the very best and brightest of our young adults.

The AoP consists of an established network of denominational, congregational, and institutional partners. AoP memberships are available for Young Preachers, ($25 per year), Professional Ministers ($120) and iPartners ($500, for organizations and institutions). Members take a lead role in planning and leading campus and regional Festivals of Young Preachers and also such national AoP initiatives as the Gospel Catalyst Network, the National Festival of Young Preachers, and the coming Summer Festival of Young Preachers.

 The AoP supports and sponsors Festivals for those between the ages of 14 and 28 who are exploring or embracing a call to gospel preaching. These Young Preachers preach at the Festivals, receive professional assessment, and gather for prayer and discussion with other Young Preachers. Participants are typically drawn from all traditions of Christian faith and practice, including Evangelical, Orthodox, Pentecostal, Protestant, and Roman Catholic.

Our publishing imprint, Academy of Preachers Books, seeks to publish books written by our Young Preachers in addition to this Dissertation Series for PhD and DMin manuscripts written by AoP members and friends on themes and issues related to preaching. 

For more information about the Academy of Preachers, including how you can become a member, a donor, or an event host, consult one of these avenues of information.

Academy of Preachers, Inc.

150 East High Street, Lexington, Kentucky, 40507


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