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Fruitful or Unfruitful? | Edward N. Gross


Fruitful or Unfruitful? | Edward N. Gross

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In this fast-paced and very focused, book, Ed Gross repeatedly asks the searing question, are you serious about following Jesus Christ and working to advance his kingdom? Using the theme of Dawson Trotman’s well-known message, “Born to Reproduce”, Ed takes the reader on a journey through Holy Scripture, Church History, and delightfully, Sacred Hymnody to underscore the main point that an obedient disciple of Jesus will seek to disciple others and pass on the Good News of salvation. This is not a “How To” book; it is a “Why Not?” book (though Ed shares his best practices material in the appendices). It is passionate, powerful, and persuasive. Expect to have your heart moved.

-Rev Lin Crowe, Area Representative for the Navigators & Kingdom Care Re-entry Network - Philadelphia

This book asks Christians many thought-provoking and much-needed questions. Dr Ed very artfully shows how Modern Christianity has drifted away from the basic DNA of first generation Christians! He carefully discusses this serious problem and offers some great solutions.

-Dr Louis Blom, President Judea Harvest Group – South Africa

Ed has captured the biblical essence of the call and command of God to be fruitful agents of the Kingdom of God. Fruitful or Unfruitful has challenged my view and practice of being true to the great commission and its call to biblical discipleship. This book is truly a must read for all Christians longing to experience fruitfulness in their lives and ministry.

    -Dr Michael Wright, Sr. Director of the Employee Assistance Program –

   Philadelphia Fire Department, Pastor of Christ Bible Fellowship Church.

Ed is encouraging us to do what Christ has commanded us to do. Go and make disciples. A must read for us all.

-Rick Vincent, Prison Ministries, Florida


Edward N. Gross (D Mis – Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is Coordinator of International Discipleship Renewal - CityNet Ministries -  Philadelphia., Pennsylvania.  For more information go to

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