Fertile Decay | Glory Cumbow
Fertile Decay | Glory Cumbow
I’m ready.
It’s time for a compost pile.
First come the eggshells
that I had to tiptoe on
so as not to offend you.
Then come the dry leaves
from the bushes I had to beat around
so that you never had to face the truth.
Next are the banana peels,
the traps of deceit
you laid down to slip me up.
After that, I dump in the clippings
that I had to cut down
to reveal your identity
as a snake in the grass.
Finally, I sprinkle in the ashes
from the letters and pictures
that I set aflame.
This pile is rotten,
reeking of death.
But my, oh my,
just wait and see
the life I will be able to grow
from this fertile decay.