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Without Majesty: A Reflection on the Last Words of Jesus, the Christ | Sylvia Dains

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Without Majesty: A Reflection on the Last Words of Jesus, the Christ | Sylvia Dains

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This collection of soliloquies beautifully captures the inner thoughts of those who walked the way of the cross on that Friday we call Good. Be it the thief, the crowd, Judas or the Lord himself in the last words he chose to speak, the author presents us with a poignant and remarkably insightful view of the anguish, the pain, the horror, the doubts, the emotions that filled their minds and came forth from the depths of their hearts. This book is an excellent source for meditation when the waning days of Lent draw near. 

Rev. Richard Zajac, Author of Life Injections I, II, III, and IV

I found Dains' reflections penetrating, poetic and powerful.  I would recommend Without Majesty as a Lenten companion.

Rev. James M. Daprile, Pastor, Our lady of Perpetual Help Church, Aurora, OH



With warmth and wisdom, Sylvia Dains strikes deep emotional chords. She offers a beautiful invitation to a deeper meditation on the meaning of Jesus’ suffering and its ongoing meaning for our lives. Using his last words from the cross, Dains makes clear that Jesus understood what it means to be “one like us.”

Rev. Patrick Zengierski, Director Campus Ministry SUNY Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY


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